Are you bored or SO bored?
I just found out today that hundreds of people everyday go to Google and type in the term “I’m bored” and they want to be surprised by Google.
I found this out because I was bored and I was wondering what can I do on the internet when I’m bored. It turns out a lot of people are looking for fun things to do at work when bored and top things to do when bored.
It’s good that bored people have a lot of company; at least they’re not bored and lonely.
But the bored people have it good. A subset of the “I’m bored” sect trump their counterparts by saying “I’m so bored.” This should make all the I’m bored people feel a lot better. They can say, “Well, at least I’m not so bored.”
And get this…a whole lot of bored people search for stupid stuff to do when bored. None of these people search for smart stuff to when bored. Does this mean that boring people are stupid? Or does it mean that boring people are smart but just prefer to do stupid things? Maybe stupid things are more fun than smart things.
For instance, right now, this is a stupid article about bored people. It’s much more fun than writing a witty essay about the election of Donald Trump.
But it is possible that bored people are actually stupid. I can tell because a whole lot of people try to tell google that they’re bored, but instead they search for this term: “I’m Board“. These people are fortunate though because they have one glaring thing that they need to do-learn how to spell. Now that’s exciting! If you landed on this page by typing I’m Board into google, here is a link to help you spell better. I provide you this link because you’ll probably type it into google like this: Lern How to Cpell.
Did you know that when people want to find out about spell check, many type in spell chack? Is that ironic? If you’re really bored, which I know you are because you’re here, you can evaluate whether the lines in the Alanis Morissette song Isn’t it Ironic are in fact ironic. There are hundreds of websites dedicated to this very topic. In fact one person was so bored, he re-wrote all the lyrics to make them actually ironic.
This brings up an interesting group of google searchers. The “I was bored” crowd. Yes, several people type into google “I was bored.” What are they doing? Are they gloating? Are they looking for other people who got over boredom just like them?
That might even be ironic. If you’re at the keyboard typing “I was bored”, doesn’t that activity kind of imply that you still are.
Google has been searching for ways to improve their search engine. Perhaps, they could find a way to put the “I’m bored” people, and the “I’m so bored” people, with the “I was bored” people. This way the people who were bored can tell the people who are bored, and so bored, what to do–how to get over their boredom.
This would be a tough audience though. You’d have to inspire people who get bored so easily. And, you’d have to talk to them about boredom, which would probably really easily bore them.
Are you still with me?
Other Links and Notes Related to Stuff to Do Online When You’re Bored:
- There is a whole website dedicated to stupid things to do when you’re bored. I read their bored blog but then I got bored and left.
- A guy named Russ writes a blog post entitled Bored with My Blog. If he is bored with himself, he is sure to bore visitors. Pop on over to Russel to be more bored than you are right now.
- Here’s a blog from a bored and restless housewife. It looks like she has lots of Oprah moments. If you like that whole touchy-feely approach, join her for a spirtual connection.
- There was a website called bored to death. I visited it and it contained lots of bird photos. Sometimes, the cause of boredom should be self-evident.
- Want to be used? In a post entitled Bored? Help name my blog, this person hopes to solicit your creativity. However, if you are bored, you probably are not too creative; otherwise, you would creatively find something to do.
- A lot of people write about being bored at work. It is quite ashame that so many people are bored by the work that they do. Perhaps they should spend less time writing about being bored at work and more time finding work that won’t bore them.
- Finally, find out why useless information is more valuable than useful information.