A Rich Idea

Dr. Phil Needs His Own Relationship Rescue

I recently read about  Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw Divorce Rumors.  I never thought Dr. Phil would make my Top Ten 10 Fraudulent self-help gurus list, but, if this news is true, he certainly might.


I cannot say I was delighted with this news (who wants to wish ill on someone?) but it won’t disrupt my day.

Dr. Phil has caused me many a headache!

Several years ago, my girlfriend sat me down and explained to me that we needed to read Relationship Rescue: A Seven Step Strategy for Reconnecting With Your Partner together.  She was of the marrying mindset; meanwhile, I was reading a book entitled:  She Wants a Ring-And I Don’t Wanna Change a Thing.

I acquiesced and agreed to read parts of the book with her.  The beginning of the book is a self-indulgent, painful exercise of trying to figure out who you really are, writing down all the reasons that you are together, the things you like and dislike about each other, and determining if you are meant to be together.

I believe two things about self-analysis:

When we started this process, I secretly named the book Relationship Destruction.

However, after going through a significant portion of the book, I began actually enjoying the process.

And I realized, Dr. Phil is a guy:  A no-nonsense guy’s guy!  And I liked him.  He is all about taking accountability and not blaming your partner for all the things that are not working out.  He has a chapter called “Eliminating Your Bad Spirit”;  it’s all about self-sabotage which, at the time, I thought my girlfriend was doing a good bit of.

Dr. Phil achieved a great deal of his success by being on Oprah.  Women on Oprah like to cry.  They like to cry a lot.  Crying can often times be manipulative.  Dr. Phil knows this and points it out.  I realized (thanks Dr. Phil!) that I was often a victim of the cry.  I was being manipulated by the cry.

So, why was Dr. Phil so popular on Oprah?  Why do the criers want a non-crier involved in their little party?

For added crying material.  What else?

If someone tells you that crying is not the answer to everything, and that you actually have to take accountability for your actions, you have new ammunition in your crying arsenal.

Yes, you will have that euphoric moment when you think, “yes, I can control my destiny!  I can control my emotions.  I can salvage my life.”  But then, you will realize that you will no longer be able to manipulate with tears…that tears will not resolve your problem.  And this is sad.  And so you will cry.

But look under your seat…there may be a new CD for you or a copy of a new self help book!

I have my solution for Dr. Phil.  It’s called Relationship Rescue:  A One Step Strategy for Reconnecting With Your Partner.  The text of the entire book can be found below:

Women are more emotional than you are.  Do your best to reason with them.  This will fail sometimes.  And when it does, and they are on emotional auto-pilot, be sensitive, give them a hug, tell them that you are there for them, and don’t try to be right.

Otherwise, Dr. Phil, you will shed tears not from a lost relationship, but from an empty bank account!