A Rich Idea

What Does WiFi Ready Mean Blu Ray Player

Ok, the question on the table today is: “What Does WiFi Ready Mean Blu Ray Player?” This is a common question because people are seeing WiFi advertised on a Blu Ray players and naturally wonder: Why would my Blu Ray player need WiFi?

Well, let’s see. We know that we need WiFi in our house if we want to connect to the Internet wirelessly with, for instance, our laptops.

However, today many new devices like our TVs are becoming WiFi ready.  The reason that they do this is so that your TV can provide access to websites with online video content. If you have WiFi, you can view movies online via your TV through Amazon Prime or Netflix. That is the idea.

Well then, where does Blu Ray fit into all of this? Why do you need WiFi with Blu Ray?

I brought up the idea with a WiFi connected TV to illustrate why you might need WiFi on a TV and the reason that you may need WiFi on Blu Ray is basically the same principle.

Let’s take a look at an example. Here is bestselling Blu Ray player with WiFi :  Panasonic DMP-BDT210 Integrated-Wi-Fi 3D Blu-ray DVD Player.

This player can connect to the WiFi in your house and allow you to do so many things that you would otherwise do on your computer, like Skype, Netflix, Amazon On-Demand, streaming music, and much more.

As one user who wrote a review entitled, “Great Player for the new model year 2011” said:

“The internet options are extensive, new options to me like Amazon streaming and Skype, mixed with the mainstay apps like Netflix, Pandora, and many more. make this player very attractive to the streaming and online entertainment user.”

Essentially, an Internet connected Blu Ray player allows you to do many of the things that you would do on your computer. However, you now get to do them on your TV and this is kind of cool!

What Does WiFi Ready Blu Ray Player Mean: Conclusion

Now a days, many more things are connected to the Internet than just your laptop or other home computers. LCD TVS and Blu Ray players are just two more items that you can connect to your WiFi system.

Typically, there is no need to have both your LCD TV and Blu Ray player connected to the Internet. If you already have an Internet connected TV, you will not need a WiFi connected Blu-Ray player. However, you do not save a whole lot of money by not getting this feature in a Blu Ray player so, if it’s an option, go for it!

If neither your Blu Ray player or your LCD TV have WiFi, this really does not matter either. You can always learn how to connect your computer to your TV and you’ll be all set with this setup too. There are just so many options.

My bet is that in the future you will not be able to buy a Blu Ray player, or LCD TV for that matter, without the ability to do WiFi.

Ten years from now, will we ever even get off the couch?

If you have any questions or comments on this “What Does WiFi Ready Blu Ray Player Mean?” topic, comment below and I, or one of our many users, will hopefully get back to you.