A Rich Idea

Best Action Hero: Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, or James Bond?

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There is not a movie or TV show with Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, or James Bond that I have not seen. I refer to them as the great JB triumvirate.

It cannot be a coincidence that all of their initials are JB. James Bond obviously came first. And when Robert Ludlum was writing the Bourne Series, he probably subconsciously chose the JB initials because he was 007 fanatic. And, a few years back, when they named Jack Bauer, I can assure you that this subliminally factored in.

So, now you need to decide. Who’s the best of the JB’s? Who would win in a fight? Who gets the hottest girls? Who has the best action sequences? Who’s the coolest? Factor everything in and vote now (if you would like to articulate your vote, use the comments below):

Who is the best action star?

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