We’ve got all of the women from The Bachelor Season 19 with Chris Soules right here on one page. We’ll tell you who’s in, who’s out, who’s hot, and who’s not. Let’s get started! (Note: An “X” next to a name means ELIMINATED and the # marks the episode.)
Alissa (X-2)
On Alissa’s Bachelorette profile page, she says that her most embarrassing moment was “stalking a guy’s Facebook page and sent my friend a long, detailed text about my findings…except I sent it to him.” On the first episode, Chris went for a drunk and a psycho, I guess a stalker would fit right in.
Amber (X-3)
I liked Amber from the first moment I saw her. Chris, she’s a bartender from Chicago, a great Midwestern city! Do you really think these dainty California girls can stomach life on the Iowa farm for more than a day before they ask “Like, where’s the beach?” Plus, Amber’s a bartender whose favorite movies are The Lion King and Reservoir Dogs–a perfect combination of sweet and sadistic.
Amanda (X-1)
Oh, poor Amanda. She’s just sitting there with those big eyes waiting to be picked and she gets dissed in favor of drunk Tara who can scarcely stand up. I felt bad for her…until I watched this video and realized that her sense of being was a bit shallow. Plus, if heredity factors in, she might not age well.