A Rich Idea

Seinfeld Reunion Show: Sort Of…

If you are wondering if there is going to be a Seinfeld reunion show, there already has been.  Well, sort of…

I happened upon the Seinfeld reunion show accidentally as I was watching the Season Finale of the Larry David Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, on HBO.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is a semi-autographical show of Larry David, the co-creator of Seinfeld.  It’s an excellent show if you take it in the proper dosage.  Larry David is a bit like Woody Allen to me:  A little is brilliant and a lot is annoying.

In Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry contrives a scheme to get his wife back which involves doing a Seinfeld reunion show and, by the comments of all of those involved, this will be the only chance we get to see the Seinfeld crew all back together.

They are all there:  Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer.  Truly, it was great joy to see them altogether, like your seeing an old friend who has been gone from your life for many years.

Watch them altogether right now on the pseudo Seinfeld Reunion show found on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm.