A Rich Idea

The Bourne Ultimatum: Movie Review

Sarah Silverman sings on You Tube about f*cking Matt Damon.  We know why she did this:  she had just seen The Bourne Ultimatum.

Seriously, you’d leave Jimmy Kimmel for Matt Damon even before The Bourne Ultimatum.  After all, he was also good Will Hunting.  But after The Bourne Ultimatum?  Funny’s good-go Jimmy Kimmel.  But being able to kick anyone’s ass, speak any language, and be an apologetic assassin.  It’s a no-brainer.

That’s why Sarah Silverman is f@*king Matt Damon and why Jimmy Kimmel is left f*cking Ben Affleck.  Career wise, Ben Affleck needs a wake-up call. A little spark from Jimmy Kimmel might be just what he needs.

I’ve seen all the Bourne movies.  Truth be told, I would have seen this movie even if it got panned by critics.  Jason Bourne is part of what I call The Great Triumvirate of JB’s:  Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, and James Bond (vote for your favorite).

But this movie is fantastic.

Between The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Identity wins hands down.    The Bourne Supremacy was not that great.  It’s too little on plot and too much extraneous action.  But, I’m a guy so I liked it — not that good, but a must see anyway.

So, the contest for the best Bourne is between The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Ultimatum.  The Bourne Identity does a nice job of introducing us to Jason Bourne.  But it’s too somber, which I suppose it should be since the man lost his identity and gradually finds out that he is an assassin.

The Bourne Ultimatum is not so somber.  He knows who he is and finds the people who made him that way.   And he takes action to no longer be that person.

And of course, we have a few classic scenes.  The first is a repeat of the scene from The Bourne Supremacy when he tells Pamela Landy on the phone, “Get some sleep Pam; you look tired.”  She suddenly realizes that she is being watched.  Great scene–worthy of repeating!

The second classic scene occurs when the bad government man, Noah Vosen, is out looking for Bourne and Bourne calls him on the phone:

Noah Vosen: [in car, on cell phone] Perhaps we can arrange a meet.
Jason Bourne: Where are you now?
Noah Vosen: I’m sitting in my office.
Jason Bourne: I doubt that.
Noah Vosen: Why would you doubt that?
Jason Bourne: If you were in your office right now we’d be having this conversation face-to-face.
[Bourne hangs up]    –from IMDB

And the third and final classic scene occurs right at the end, when we see Bourne swim away after we think he may be dead.  Did you get chills?

This ending, of course, paves the way for a fourth Bourne film if they choose to do one.  Matt Damon says after each one that this will be the last.  However, I’m inclined to think otherwise:

Studio:  Matt, we want you to do another Bourne.

Matt:  No.

Studio:  $20 million?

Matt:  It’s not about the money.

Studio:  $30 million?

Matt:  I told you.  It’s not about the money.

Studio:  $50 million?

Matt:  When do we start?