A Rich Idea

Tom Cruise, Scientology, and South Park

I try to edify myself in every possible way.  Today’s efforts include watching “30 Celebrity Feuds” on E.

The Feud I just watched involved the Tom Cruise “Trapped In The Closet” episode of South Park (watch below).  The episode pokes fun at Scientology, Scientologists, and Tom Cruise’s gaiety.  Tom Cruise apparently threatened Paramount pictures, who own South Park, saying that he would not promote the new Mission Impossible movie if Paramount allowed re-runs of this South Park episode.

The producers of South Park then threatened to withdraw production of South Park for Paramount.  In the end, they won.

This episode of South Park, “Trapped in the Closet”,  was rebroadcast several times and was even nominated for an Emmy award.

What can I learn from this?  How can I be edified?

Well, if the enjoyment of the South Park scene is not edifying enough, we’ll take a quick look at Scientologists themselves.

Personally, I have always like the Scientology people, Tom Cruise included.  Others that come to mind are John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Nicole Kidman…The List of Scientologists reads like a who’s who of famous people.

All of these people seem to be fun, affirming, very positive people.  That is, until you mention the word Scientology to them.  They then seem to stiffen as if their pre-programmed brains kick-in.  Their good-natured personas dissolve faster than an M&M in a hot hand.

Here’s what they all need to know.  When you take yourself too seriously, others will take the piss out of you mercilessly…especially if what you’re taking seriously is Scientology.  And so, without further ado, enjoy the video below:

South Park Tom Cruise Trapped in the Closet


Copy Right SouthPark Studios

As I am ending this edifying piece, the latest Celebrity Feud that just popped on the screen is Tom Cruise against Brooke Shields.  Tom, you don’t know everything!  We can all agree that people take too many pills to control their mood.  But isn’t your Scientology pill perhaps the most difficult to swallow?

And if you want to bring this up as an issue, that’s great, but don’t use a pregnant women as an example.  As a guy, there is no way that you can understand post-partum depression.    It’s a woman thing.  Get your Scientology sister, Kirstie Alley, to help you with this cause…but she might still be busy battling her weight.