If you are using Vicodin, and want to know “How Long Does Vicodin Remain In Your Body“, we will give you the answer about how long Vicodin stays in your body.
But, as we at A Rich Idea are ever curious, we wonder why so many people want to know how long Vicodin will stay in your body.
Our first pre-research thought is this: Why would people want to know this about Vicodin? It’s not like it’s pot or ecstasy or cocaine. It’s not like someone will not get a job because they failed the “Vicodin” test.
Or is it?
Let’s see: Ah-hah!
You see what crack research uncovers. Apparently, people are concerned about this because people can fail a Vicodin drug test.
On Yahoo Answers, someone asks that very question: “Can I fail a drug test if I have Vicodin in my system?”
And the answer my dear Vicodin addictive friends is “Yes“! You can fail a drug test if you have Vicodin in your system and have no prescription for it.
Why Do People Take Vicodin?
Apparently, millions of people take Vicodin and they take to relieve their pain. For example, if someone has been in an accident and has a shoulder injury and are left with extreme pain, the Doctor may prescribe Vicodin.
Vicodin is like Tylenol on steroids. Just like Tylenol, Vicodin contains Acetaminophen but it also contains another stronger ingredient called Hydrocodone, which belongs to a group of drugs that are known as Narcotic Pain Killers.
There it is…that nasty word–Narcotics!
And what happens with narcotics? You become addicted and find yourself asking questions like, “How Long Does Vicodin Remain In Your Body?””
Is Vicodin Addictive?
Apparently, it’s very addictive. After you have been prescribed Vicodin due to some type of severe pain, you may notice the calm, soothing effect of Vicodin and then you think, “Hey, I like this stuff!”
This is when the trouble may begin…so slow down cowboy or cowgirl. Vicodin has killed people and if you are asking how long Vicodin stays in your system, you may be headed down the wrong path.
Why Do People Ask How Long Vicodin Remains in the Body?
You see…here is what happens. The doctor prescribes Vicodin so that you can get over your immediate condition with less pain.
When said condition disappears or dissipates, you are suppose to stop taking Vicodin, but you didn’t. You liked it. You wanted to keep taking it and you pleaded with your doctor for more. However, at some point, he cut you off. Now, you are getting unprescribed Vicodin and you cannot pass a drug test because you have Vicodin in your system.
Is that how this is going down?
Ok, then. Here’s is what we’ll do. We’ll tell you how long the Vicodin will stay in your system so that you can keep your job. That way, you won’t be unemployed and become a thief just to support your immediate habit.
In return, promise us this. You will dedicate yourself to getting off Vicodin and returning to a normal life. Deal?
You know…you’re not alone. Some people are so addicted to Vicodin that they are taking over 100 pills per day. If they don’t get over it, they will die.
Don’t think your weak because you got addicted. These things happen. It’s in the past. Now, your future is about overcoming this addiction.
So, here’s the answer to your immediate question so that you can keep your job.
How Long Does Vicodin Remain In Your Body
Vicodin stays in your system for 30 days. You can fail a drug test if you have taken Vicodin in the last 30 days unless you have a prescription, which you probably don’t.
We have now lived up to our part of the bargain by telling you how long Vicodin will stay in your system.
Now, you know the facts and you will have to delay your drug test and get off Vicodin permanently!
How To Overcome Vicodin Addiction
First of all, know this: You’re not alone. It’s cliche but it’s true. Vicodin addiction is rampant.
Know this too: You are going to have to suck it up. I know that’s some cold-blooded advice but it’s the best advice that you are going to get.
Life presents us with pleasure and pain. You had a pain. You took Vicodin…and had pleasure. Now, you’ve come for circle and are back to pain.
The withdrawl will be a bitch. It will be extremely painful, much more so than the initial pain. However, you got yourself into this mess, now you can get out. Getting over addiction is the hardest thing that you will do in your life. But it’s a necessity or you will die! Vicodin will physically destroy your liver and psychologically and emotionally destroy your life.
You have what it takes to cure yourself which is courage and company.
Check out this Vicodin addiction form for more information.
How Long Does Vicodin Remain In Your Body: Summary
Well, we started this post by attempting to answer the simple question How Long Does Vicodin Remain In Your Body?
We learned that people ask this, in all likelihood because they are addicted to Vicodin, have no prescription, and will are probably facing a drug test which they will fail because Vicodin stays in your system for 30 days.
We also learned how painfully addictive Vicodin is, which is ironic in a way since it is designed to get you over pain.
Be that as it may, if you have a Vicodin addiction, you have got to get off it. No “ifs ands or buts” about it.
You will find all kinds of great advice about how to get over your Vicodin addiction and this advice will probably cost you money. Solving addiction is big business.
Getting over your addiction will be difficult but it is doable and won’t take that long. Embrace the pain as a way to get to your new life.
When I was quitting smoking, there were so many groups, pills, patches, and band-aids available, but in the end I came across some simple advice from the cartoon character like self-help guru Tony Robbins.
He said, “What would you do if you were stranded on an island and there were no cigarettes?”
Answer: “You wouldn’t smoke, you would have some bad days of widthdrawl, and then you would be over. Your life would continue free of addiction.”
Throw away your Vicodin pills and imagine that you are on that island.
You will then never again have to ask, “How Long Does Vicodin Remain in Your Body?”
Richard Cummings
Get your copy of his latest book entitled Obvious Conclusions, stories of a Midwestern emigrant influenced and corrupted by many years living in San Francisco and abroad. It just received its first outstanding review "...reminiscent of David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs" on Amazon UK.
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Comments 3
1-2 Days max, Kid. Spreading lies and government propaganda is a wonderful thing, huh?
Really good article! I cant believe doctors would prescribe something that would do more harm than good.