“How Much Should I Weigh For My Age And Height?”
If you want to know the answer to this question, this article will tell you how much you should weight for your age and height.
Renowned great thinker Stephen Covey once remarked, “Seek to Understand, Before Being Understood”. This was one of his infamous 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.
Since we would like to embrace these treasured habits, we shall consider our audience. Why do you ask how much should I weigh for my age and height? Are you grossly obese? Are you way too thin? Is your diet that of the man from Supersize Me?
Life is filled with easy answers that we make difficult. If you eat Mc Donald’s everyday, you’re not healthy even if you look good. If you eat right but never exercise, you have conquered half the battle. If you do everything right, but still wonder if your height and weight are proportionate, you might just be a little self-obsessed.
Yeah, that’s right, we know you. You want to make life difficult. Take something that should be easy (exercise with regularity and eat right) and make it more challenging. Because if you did not do this, you would not be able to obsess about it and that would not be any fun now would it.
Do you know what we’re saying? Seriously, do you? It so happens that we often want answers to questions that we already know the answer to. If you eat a solid daily dose of vegetables, fruits, fibers, etc (see the website eatwell–this site is from England but in spite of that gives great dietary recommendations), and exercise regularly, you will be healthy and you will probably be height/weight proportionate.
Ironically, the people who wonder “How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height” are probably the people who already live healthily. The others, those who should be concerned, are at McDonalds. They may even be surfing the Internet right now at McDonalds. But they are not looking to see whether their height is proportionate to their weight, they are ordering a take-a-away pizza so that it will arrive when they get home.
So, on the bright side, if you’re reading this article you are probably already on the right track according to our esteemed logistical skills. But to verify, let’s check some scientific facts.
Height/Weights, Weight/Height Charts
HealthCheck Systems brings you these weight charts which are separated according to men and women.
Additionally, they are broken down into “frame size”. Thus, if your frame size is “large frame”, you can get away with being just a little bit heavier. No, you can’t cheat and say you have a large frame size when you actually have a small one, because that’s cheating and defeats the purpose of why you are here.
A Better Heart/Weight Chart
Here is a quick chart that you can look at to determine How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height. The age assumption for this chart is 25-59.
If you’re from the other side of the pond, and want to know your weight on the world scale (rather than lbs as we do in America) refer to the chart below. The beauty of this chart is that it is blatantly honest and spares no one, even the good looking people. It’s assessments are “very fat” “fat” “overweight” “ok” and “underweight”.
So, the best that you are going to get from this chart is that you are “ok”. If you’re not ok, you suck! Could this attribute to self-image problems in England? Perhaps, as each day they reason…”The best thing that I am going to be is ‘ok’, so off to the Pub I go.”
How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height: Summary
We always like to sprinkle the questions here at A Rich Idea with a little life thought.
And here is our thought today for people who want to know How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height?
Life is filled with so many fun things to do and real questions to be answered. Ironically, we so often ask questions that we already know the answer to. And this is one of them.
Despite what any chart says, you know whether you are living healthy or whether you’re not. You will not find ANY answers in these charts that you do not already know.
If you eat to much McDonalds, you know it. If you hide Snickers bars under your bed, you know it. A chart, no matter the result, does not conceal an unhealthy life.
Eat, drink, and be merry! Stress is much more a killer and obsessing over charts will only kill you sooner (especially the ones where “ok” is the best result).
Eat well. You know how. If not, there are many websites that will tell you how.
Also, you have to exercise, not necessarily hardcore, but just walk wherever you can and try to do some exercises that make you sweat. This will allow you a few more McDonalds visits, an extra pint of beer or two, and let you live a happy, stress-free, life.
And, you will never again have to ask the question How Much Should I Weigh For My Age And Height?
Richard Cummings
Get your copy of his latest book entitled Obvious Conclusions, stories of a Midwestern emigrant influenced and corrupted by many years living in San Francisco and abroad. It just received its first outstanding review "...reminiscent of David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs" on Amazon UK.
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Comments 28
I’m 51 5ft 4in been trying to lose weight for about 4 yrs, it seems as if I stay @ 168 lbs no matter what I do. Can you give me some Advice ?
How much should i weigh if im 13 but i dont know how tall i am?
my heigh is 5’3and Iam fortynine years old
I AM NOT FAT!!! I only weigh 110 and I’m 5 foot 5 inches!!
I love this website!! i have been wondering if i was overweight for a long time. I am 13 five feet tall and weigh 123 pounds. I am just the right weight!! i am so happy!
iam only 13yrs old 5 feet and 8in. tall and i weigh 280 lbs. and i dont have diabtes or never been through a heart attack. But i do sometimes i get tired easily and iam always grouchy. what does this mean and what can i do about it.
why am i so fat imm allmost 13 and i wiegh 110 pounds?????????
I’m pleasantly surprised that the charts you included have a frame category included as real differences in the width of hips and size of chest cavities do make a difference in healthy body weight, however I think these charts can be horribly inaccurate in many cases even considering frame size. One thing you don’t account for and don’t even mention in the article is muscle density. According to your charts many people who are actually just very muscular would be ranked as Fat or even Obese when they are in fact perfectly healthy.
I am 6’1″ with a medium frame and before I started an exercise routine about 4 months ago was about 175lbs, or just over the ideal range listed in your charts. I now weigh 10lbs more then I did when I started, but I can tell you I am in better shape not worse, the only weight I’ve gained is in muscle. Now this is probably easier for men to handle and process, but for women it can really mess with their heads. Please stop spreading the myth that weight rather than shape is an important indicator of health.
Ok, I don’t think it’s very appropriate on the last chart where it calls you “Fat” and “Very Fat”. That is unacceptable. If you weigh 90lbs and your 5’2 that is not considered over weight. It’s considered underweight. On all other charts, it says if you are 5’2, you should weigh from 108 being the lowest and 144 the highest. If your going to post something like that, get your facts straight and actually know something about what your talking about. Because on this website, you can absoluetly tell that you have no idea of what your doing.
i still didnt get my anwser to my question. my question was am i under weight ?????????
i am 30 yrs old 5’5″ and i weight 130 it seems like all of th fat go 2 my belly what can i do bout this ps i hate exercise n diet
i weigh 150lbs,im 13 years old,and my height is “5” ” 2″.how much do i weight
I’m glad I found this page. I just discovered that the idea I had in my head for how much I should weigh was way too high. In fact, when I formed this idea of how much I should weigh, I weighed about what I should. Now, I know what I need to get back to. I won’t have as far to go as some, but I know I can get there!
You people that are outraged that you think the chart says you are overweight when you weigh 110 lbs need to put some glasses on and check the units given on the chart. You are all being ridiculous and getting upset all because you are dumb and don’t know how to read labeling on a chart. Idiots.
@Unpleased Viewer: I think you’re looking at the “kilos” there, not pounds.
PEOPLE. THIS IS IN KILOS. NOT POUNDS. Grab a conversion website. Figure it out.
For those of you who are saying that the second chart is calling you fat, it is not. If you would actually read the labels on the friggin chart you would realize it says “weight in kilos” and the other “weight in stones”. No where does it say pounds. So before you go off on a rant about the editor not knowing what they are talking about, do your conversions!
PAY ATTENTION people!!!!! It says on the bottom chart weight in stones or kilos so don’t leave comments saying “I am …. Height and …. Lbs and not fat”… because you just sound ridiculous. Read before you write.
im 5’7 and I weigh 140 pounds and I have a medium body frame, I think im fat when I look at myself in the mirror but then again, people are not mirrors: people see us (yeah you and me) alot differently than we see ourselves!
I’m 26
My Heigh Is 5’4”
Its in kilos not lbs so yah your the one that doesnt know what they are talking about
Some of you are arguing that the weight to height ratio is incorrect but the chart is not measured in pounds, it’s measured in kilos… so if someone is 5’2 and weighs 90 kilos, essentially they’re 5’2, weighing 200 pounds. That would be classified as obese.
For all of you all who keep saying your weight in pounds and how it calls you overweight even though you are skinny, please notice that this chart is not in pounds, its kilos. Google will convert your weight in pounds to kilos if you simply type, “your weight in pounds to kilos.”
yay!i am 5 7 and i weigh 124 and 16 years old!
How much should a 12 year old weigh?
I’m 5′ 7″ and 100 lbs, does that mean I’m underweight? Also, I’m 17.
A lot of people are leaving comments about how they weigh so many “lbs” yet the chart indicates they are over weight. The chart is in kilograms. 1 lb is equal to 0.45 kilograms. Basically divide your weight almost in half. Also, read the article. The charts assume ages 25-59. Teenagers should not be using this chart.
Also, I agree with Gabriel. I am 5’11 and 175lb. I have a lot of muscle mass, so the charts can be deceiving since it they imply that I am overweight, but I am actually in shape.
Also, read the summary section, which says not to base whether your are “unhealthy” or “healthy” on a chart. You should really know whether or not you are living a healthy lifestyle.